- www.apipec.net
The APIPEC Network aims to connect IPE/IPC champions in the Asia-Pacific region and promote interprofessional value in healthcare and health professions education practices.
Long term goal (in 5 years):
APIPEC Network will become an established IPE/ IPC regional network under IP.G.
Short term goal (in 2-3 years):
Spearhead biennial meetings to harmonize activities among local IPE/IPC networks to:
- Foster exchanges within formal IPE/IPC programs within the region (teaching, research)
- Exploit the power of technology and social media by producing livestreaming content to promote IPE/IPC in education, practice, and research.
- Facilitate a mentoring mechanism between IPE/ IPC champions and students/practitioners
Contact Persons
- Michael P. Sy (Philippines)
- michaelsyphd@gmail.com
- @drmikesyot
- Endang Lestari (Indonesia)
- endanglestari@unissula.ac.id
Committee Members
Adchara Khammathit (Thailand)
Roi Charles Pineda (Philippines)
Jocel Magpili Regino (Philippines)
Interprofessional.Global Representatives

Michael Palapal Sy
APIPEC Representative
Affiliations: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland); and University of the Philippines Open University (Philippines)
Michael, an occupational therapist by profession, currently works as a Senior Researcher at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. He also has an official designation as an adjunct associate professor (international health) at the University of the Philippines Open University. He served as the co-chair for the 2nd Joint International Conference organized by Asia Pacific Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Network and Philippine Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Network held in the Philippines last January 2020. Apart from teaching and doing research in IPE/C, he also serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care and The Clinical Teacher. Michael has the following responsibilities in Interprofessional.Global:
- A representative for the Asia-Pacific regional group
- Works as a co-lead for the communications working group, specifically in co-organizing the Global Cafés