ATBH X Reinvented, a virtual event of webinars promoted and organised by Interprofessional.Global. The Regional and Emerging networks of Interprofessional.Global worked collaboratively on a programme based on submitted abstracts for ATBH X in Qatar, an IPECP which Conference was unfortunately postponed to 2023 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The available video recordings of the sessions are posted here, the complete abstract book is available at this link:
Session One: 13 October 2021
Sponsors: AfriPEN, CAIPE, IP-Health, & NipNET, Moderators & Experts: Richard. Pitt, Marion Huber and Alison Power
Elisabeth Schmidt (Dorothea Erxleben Learning Hub, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Do you want to play with me? – A party game as a formative assessment in interprofessional education
Basira Kankia Lawal (Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management, Kaduna State University, Nigeria)
Together for patient safety: healthcare professionals’ perceptions of safety culture in public health facilities in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Elisabeth Schmidt (Dorothea Erxleben Learning Hub, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Development and piloting of an interprofessional lecture for students of dentistry and allied health professions
Session Two: 20 October 2021
Sponsors: AfriPEN, CAIPE, IP-Health, & NipNET, Moderators & Experts: Richard Pitt, Liz Anderson, Melissa Owens and Andreas Xyrichis
Mustafa Mohamed (Near East University, Turkey)
Readiness of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Management in Health Professions (the impact on learners and practitioners)
Saira Hussain (Department of Audiology, College of Health and Life Sciences Birmingham, UK)
Interprofessional Learning between Audiology and Pharmacy Students: More than ‘just’ ears and drugs
Birgit Wershofen (University Hospital, LMU Munich, Germany)
Interprofessional Teaching in Healthcare: an interprofessional Graduate Programmein Germany (ILEGRA)
Session Three: 27 October 2021
Sponsors: AfriPEN, CAIPE, IP-Health, & NipNET, Moderators & Experts: Richard Pitt, Elize Pietersen, Johanna Dahlberg, and Alison Powers
Gert Ulrich, Hermann Amstad, and Sylvia Kaap-Fröhlich (Careum Education Management, Careum Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland)
Action on the Future of Interprofessional Education in Switzerland
Gérard Filies (Faculty of Community and Health Sciences, Interprofessional Education Unit, University of the Western Cape, South Africa)
The development of an interprofessional education model using a design-based research method.
Gert Ulrich (Careum Foundation, Department of Education Management, Zurich, Switzerland) and Anthony Breitbach (Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, USA)
Interprofessional collaboration in international sports science & sports medicine –an international cross-sectional survey
Gabriele Vilanova (PhD Student King’s College London, United Kingdom)
Professors perceptions about patient safety teaching in an interprofessional education experience
Session Five: 29 October 2021
Sponsors: AIHC, CIHC, & REIP, Moderator & Expert: Marie-Andrée(Maggie) Girard
Cynthia Smith (Camosun College, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Creating a culture of interdisciplinary health education in a college setting
Priscilla Horta (Faculty of Community and Health Sciences, Interprofessional Education Unit, University of the Western Cape, South Africa)
Education through Work for Health Program: a view of medical students from Amazonas on the practice of interprofessionality
Session Six: 23 November 2021
Sponsors: APIPEC, & AIPPEN, Moderators: Lorraine Walker, Michael Sy, and Kathryn Siongco, Experts: Reeva Ann Sumulong, Monica Moran, and Jill Thistlethwaite
Kate Norris (Department of Nursing , ARA Institute of Canterbury, New Zealand)
An exploration of how registered nurse prescribers influence collaborative team practice
Naomi Sugimoto (Faculty of Nursing & Medical Care, Keio University, Japan)
Effectiveness of a 30-minute continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) training session for physicians and nurses: appraised by subjective and objective measurements
Azjargal Baatar (Faculty of Midwifery, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Attitudes of health professionals toward interprofessional healthcare teams in Mongolia
Catherine Escuadra (University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines; Ehwa Woman’s University, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Understanding the research landscape of Interprofessional Education and collaboration via text mining
Rod Charlie Delos Reyes (College of Allied Medical Sciences, University of Batangas, Batangas. Philippines)
Enabling occupational justice in a community-based drug rehabilitation program through interprofessional collaboration
Session Seven: 24 November 2021
Sponsors: Arab Speaking network, & IndIPEN, Moderators: Alla El-Awaisi & Susan Waller
Muhammad Arsalan Zamir (Deputy Physician Lead and Consultant Family Medicine, Al Wajbah Health Centre, Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar)
‘Team Walk’: a healthy way to talk
Guillaume Alinier (Director of Research, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar)
Undertaking projects as a multidisciplinary team-based activity to learn about Quality Improvement science in healthcare
Susu Zughaier (Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine, Qatar University, Qatar)
Immunization Programs Require Interprofessional Team to Sustain High Vaccine Coverage and Community Protection
Session Eight: 29 November 2021
Sponsors: Arab Speaking network, & IndIPEN, Moderators: Alla El-Awaisi & Susan Waller
Ahmed Alhammadi (Deputy Chairman at Hamad Medical Corporation, Division Chief of General Academic Pediatrics at HMC and Sidra Medicine, Qatar)
Effective Communication and Team Collaboration in Multicultural Health Care Environment; Challenges and Solutions
Lulu Sherif Mahmood (Professor in Anesthesiology & Head of Department, Healthcare Simulation Education, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka)
Simulation based Interprofessional Education to enhance teamwork & communication skills among medical & nursing students
Supriya Nambiar (Professor & Head, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics at MCODS-Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education)
Enhancing Competencies among Health Professionals for Primary Prevention in oral health care using an Interprofessional Approach