
Call For Nominations: Co-facilitators for Interprofessional.Global



Interprofessional.Global (IP.G), the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, facilitates support and exchange between regional interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) networks, establishes relationships with other like-minded organisations and welcomes and supports new networks sharing the same aims and values.

IP.G is seeking nominations for two individuals to serve as co-facilitators.

Roles and Responsibilities of the IP. G Co-Facilitators

  • Serve as a member of the IP. G Board: The board manages the not-for-profit status and finances of IP. G
  • Convene and co-facilitate Global Team Quarterly Meetings: The Global Team is the decision-making forum for IPG, which includes Board, Regional Network and Working Group representatives that develop strategic direction for IP.G.
  • Support IP.G fundraising efforts to finance identified strategic priorities.
  • Convene and co-facilitate Partnership Development Working Group Monthly meetings: The Partnership working group includes other working groups and the Board representatives and coordinates and advances operational activities of IP.G, consistent with the strategy defined by the Global Team.
  • Liaise with the IP.G Secretariat regarding:
    • Scheduling of Global Team and Partnership Development Working Group meetings
    • Curation of agendas, minutes and other documents of IP.G
  • Coordinate the work of the various IP.G Working Groups.
  • Plan annual in-person Partnership Development meetings.
  • Support the selection of All Together Better Health (ATBH) meeting hosts.
  • Support ATBH meeting hosts in designing and implementing biannual ATBH meetings to support the work of IP.G and the global IPE community.

IP.G values diversity across professions and Regional Networks and encourages members of all regional networks affiliated with IP.G to apply. However, because of the significant time commitment made by IP.G co-facilitators, it is essential that nominees can commit adequate time and resources to the role and that their institution is supportive of their work for IP.G.

Nomination Process

Self-nomination is encouraged by completing the form at the nomination link below.

Please ensure that you prepare all the necessary attachments.

The following documents must be submitted in the application:

  • Curriculum vitae or professional biography
  • Statement of support from the institution signed by line manager with institution letterhead
  • Statement of support from the Regional network signed by the Chair of the Regional network on a letterhead
Components of Electronic Nomination Form: LINK
  • Name of Nominee
  • Institutional Affiliation of Nominee
  • Contact Information: mailing address, email, phone/ WhatsApp
  • Attestation by the Nominee that they have reviewed the roles and responsibilities of the position and are willing and able to serve if selected
  • Statement of Interest in serving as an IP.G co-facilitator (limit 250 characters)
  • Statement of Past Engagement in Local IPE Work (i.e. at their institution) (Limit 250 characters)
  • Statement of Past Engagement in Regional and Global IPE efforts (limit 250 characters)
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae or professional biography (as an attachment)
  • Statement of Support from their supervisor/ institution, including financial support to attend appropriate annual international IP.G face-to-face meetings and bi-annual All Together Better Health meetings
  • Statement of Support from the Nominee’s Regional Network
Nominations open on the 1st of August 2023 and close on the 30th of  September 2023

IP.G will communicate the decision on the outcome at the end of October 2023

The Co-Facilitators will be formally announced at the General Meeting of IPG in Doha, Qatar, in November 2023. Nominees should be available to attend the IP.G Partnership Meeting in Doha.

Should you have any questions, please reach out directly to Dr. Champion

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