
Call for Submissions for Special Journal Issue on “Strengthening Healthcare Systems and Services through Intersectoral and Interprofessional Partnerships”

Building partnerships across sectors and professions can strengthen the safety and quality of healthcare. Working in silos cannot meet the growing complexities of healthcare needs of populations. There are repeated calls for sectors (e.g., primary and secondary care; academia and industry) to work together closely to not only enhance health outcomes but also bridge the evidence–practice gap. Integrated care transcends boundaries to bring about the best care for clients. Similarly, interprofessional education and collaborative practice is a promising solution to bring professions together right from the pre-registration phase, through to the practitioner phase, to maximise efficiencies, improve teamwork and enable better, client-centred outcomes. Co-designing research with service users or consumers has been much talked about in recent times. While these concepts are all being advocated for, there are many barriers in reality that hinder their uptake in current research practices. We are interested in contributions that will showcase examples of research partnerships that are beyond sectoral, professional or other traditional boundaries, and that have resulted in better outcomes for health systems and services. We are particularly interested in lessons researchers and practitioners have learnt while implementing such research work.

Topics and Scope (including, but not limited to): evaluation research on the impact of interprofessional education on healthcare practice, policy making, systems and governance; multi-site, multi-method, longitudinal research designs that address critical issues of interprofessional education, collaborative practice and integrated care across sectors and systems; review papers including high-quality meta-analysis and meta-synthesis that can inform healthcare practices across sectors and systems; discussion of open, conceptual and engaging approaches to interprofessional research, drawing on innovative approaches that include citizens, learners and service users in informing research questions, research designs, data analysis and translation strategies; case studies that demonstrate evidence for aspects of interprofessional collaborative practice that result in desired positive changes for service users, populations, service providers, learners, communities and systems.

Dr. Priya Martin
Dr. Michael Palapal Sy
Guest Editors

For more information: Journal Website for Special Issue

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