
CIHC Collaboration à la Carte on the Patient and Family Voice in Accreditation – 22 March 2022 🗓

CIHC Collaboration à la Carte presents Heather Thiessen

Team based approach: How the patient and family voice is helping to improve the accreditation process.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EDT

Heather will share Accreditation Canada and Health Standards Organization’s journey to being more people centric in their work, and involving the voice of patients and families in to the building of standards and the accreditation process. She will share her experiences both as a patient partner on a technical committee and as a patient surveyor, joining the survey team to assess organizations on the people centred care criteria. See how the change in this process will help to advance the team based approach in all aspects of healthcare and how more so now than ever why we need to see patient partnerships in health education.

Heather Thiessen has extensive and ongoing lived experience as a person living with two chronic conditions, has had multiple hospitalizations and ongoing interactions and treatments in the health system. She is an experienced patient partner with over a decade of experience, speaking at several conferences and serving on numerous committees and working groups at the local, regional, provincial, and national level. Heather is actively involved in the education of health professions students at the University of Saskatchewan and part of the leadership planning team for the Patient Partnership Program (3P) for first year medical students. In May 2020, she was recognized for her work with nursing students and was awarded an Honorary Membership Award by the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association. She is the past co-chair, Saskatchewan Health Authority Patient and Family Leadership Council, building off her experience as one of the first patient partners to work within the former Saskatoon Health Region over a decade ago. Heather also serves as a consultant, Patient Engagement and Partnerships, within Health Standards Organization and Accreditation Canada, where she supports patient partners across Canada and internally within HSO for People-Centric work. She has also been trained as one of the first patient surveyors with Accreditation Canada. Heather has co-authored a chapter in the book “Bringing leadership to life in health: LEADS in a caring environment” that focuses on leadership and people-centred care .Heather has been an active patient partner and has been part of the Strategic Working Group of the newly formed Healthcare Excellence Canada Board, and with the former CFHI, where she was involved in many of their collaboratives, as a coach, part of panels on webinars and on numerous working groups, including the co-development of CFHI’s guiding principles for engagement. Heather has a strong understanding of the healthcare system and works tirelessly to ensure the patient and family voice is not only heard but fully integrated into healthcare improvement.

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