
The Confederation

The Confederation

Interprofessional.Global, the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, facilitates support and exchange between regional interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) networks, establishes relationships with other like-minded organisations and welcomes and supports new networks sharing the same aims and values. It also selects institutions to host future All Together Better Health (ATBH) conferences, overseeing the work of local planning committees, maintenance of standards and evaluation.

The ATBH conferences are driven by the conviction that by learning together we improve working together to effect change, enhance quality of care, ensure safety and optimise deployment of human resources.  Delegate numbers have increased year on year, as has the involvement of students and service users.  The conference content demonstrates the steady growth of IPECP in terms of evidence base and significance to health care.

Interprofessional.Global also provides a forum for the growing number of national and transnational IPECP networks to share their work and debate common issues and has been a proving ground for the development of a global network, first InterEd and from 2012 the World Coordinating Committee and now Interprofessional.Global: The Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice.

General Purpose

Interprofessional.Global facilitates support and exchange between the interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) networks, establishes relationships with other like-minded organisations and welcomes and supports new networks sharing the same aims and values. It also selects institutions to host future All Together Better Health (ATBH) conferences, overseeing the work of local planning committees, maintenance of standards and evaluation.

Vision: Better health for all through interprofessional education, practice and research

Mission: To serve as agents of change in providing global leadership to advocate for, collaborate on, promote, develop, and research IPECP innovation.

Objectives: The objectives of the Confederation are:

  1. To develop a strong confederation to serve the international IPECP movement,
  2. To increase awareness of IPECP through effective communication and the visibility of Interprofessional.Global,
  3. To inform IPECP policy development,
  4. To provide information on the global status of IPECP
  5. To support interprofessional development for individuals and regional networks, including the biennial All Together Better Health conferences (ATBH),
  6. To develop and provide a data repository, and
  7. To obtain funding ensuring the sustainability of Interprofessional.Global.

Legal status and organisational structure

Interprofessional.Global Member Networks

Working Groups

Interprofessional.Global, a registered Dutch association, is organised by complementary working groups. The activities of these working groups are coordinated by the Partnership Development Working Group. This specific working group includes representative from each affiliated network (Members of the Association), Board Members of the Association, and the Working Group facilitators.

Name of association: Interprofessional.Global

RSIN or fiscal code: 863065028

Contact address: Petrus Driessenstraat 3 t.a.v. Jeannette Bult, 9714CA Groningen, The Netherlands

Main objective: Global confederation for interprofessional education and collaboration.

Names and positions of board members:

  • Chair: Marion Huber (Marion Huber)
  • Deputy Chair: Anthony Breitbach (Anthony Paul Breitbach)
  • Secretary: Jan-Jaap Reinders (Jan Jaap Reinders)
  • Deputy secretary: Alla El-Awaisi (Alla El-Awaisi)
  • Treasurer: Freek Bronda (Fredrik Justus Bronda)

Remuneration policy: None – voluntary work


Original Association Charter Document

English Translation of Original Association Charter Document

Official statutes of Interprofessional.Global

Board member roles and responsibilities

Board election protocol

Financial Statement 2021-2024

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