

Society for Interprofessionalism in Healthcare
IPECP network of European Countries established in 2017 in Berlin.


The purpose of the association is to promote interprofessionalism in the healthcare sector through

  • development and provision of interprofessional information and training materials as well as digital applications to promote holistic, patient-centred cooperation between all healthcare professionals,
  • support of the implementation of interprofessionalism in healthcare,
  • development, organization, implementation and/or participation of/in scientific congresses, study programmes and projects to promote and further develop interprofessional cooperation,
  • exchange of experience between science and practice at national and international level.

Plans for next 2 years

  • Annual Meetings
  • Merging all networks of the DACH countries.
  • Acquire new members, especially from the practice
  • Informing policy makers
  • Create information materials for our members and the broader public

Interprofessional.Global Representative

Marion began her career as a physiotherapist and complementary medicine practitioner, psychologist and neuroscientist. Her work focuses on the latter roles and she is the deputy head of Interprofessional Learning and Practice at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland and head of interprofessional research at the Institute of Health Sciences of the ZHAW.

Her research interests are in interprofessional competency development, identifying soft factors that influence interprofessional collaboration, and how these in turn can be trained. She is also responsible for the scientific evaluation of the interprofessional clinical training station ZIPAS.

Her methodological expertise lies in mixed-methods studies, phenomenology, qualitative document and media and complex statistical analyses. analysis.

Doreen Herinek is a physiotherapist with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and a Master of Science in Health Professions Education. She is currently working as a Research Associate and doctoral student at the Institute of Health and Nursing Science of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Since 2016 she has been conducting research in health professions education and is a Co-editor from the first German-speaking book about Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Practice (IPC) in social and health professions.

Current projects span Interprofessional Education, Practice and Research. Doreen Herinek is focusing on Interprofessional Peer Assisted Learning among health professions students. At the moment she is involved in her PhD project on the preparation of Peer Tutors in an interprofessional context (prep4TUT).

IP-Health Winterhur Report

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