
Global Cafe: Scrutinising a proposed framework underpinned by empirical findings to help integrate IPE into curricula. – 26 September 2024 🗓

Scrutinising a proposed framework underpinned by empirical findings to help integrate IPE into curricula

Presenters: Susanne Lindqvist (University of East Anglia, UK) and Atle Ødegård (Molde University College, Norway)
26 September 2024
13:00 UTC/14:00 BST/09:00 ET

Co-sponsored by the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) and the Nordic Interprofessional Network for Europe (NIPNET)

A team from UK and Norway has over the past few years collected qualitative and quantitative data from university teachers and educational leaders with the purpose of understanding perceptions of IPE and to apply such findings to develop a framework that can help integrate IPE into the curricula. The concept of social innovation has underpinned this work which is now ready for wider scrutiny.


Despite the increasing evidence for benefits of IPE and requirements of health and social care students to engage in meaningful interprofessional learning (IPL) throughout their education, IPE is not integrated into curricula in all courses. A team from Norway and the United Kingdom (UK) based at three universities came together to investigate teachers’ views of IPL and how their role in students achieving outcomes. Early findings revealed that some teachers are sceptical about the way IPE was offered at their universities and whether their efforts facilitating IPL would be worth it. This prompted further investigation and the need for a framework to support the integration of IPE into curricula.

A mixed method approach was adopted to collect quantitative data from educators more widely; qualitative data from the original group of teachers to delve deeper into initial findings, and qualitative data from senior leaders working at the three universities. Findings from each part of the study underpin a proposed framework that stakeholders can use at their respective institution.

The purpose of this cafe conversation is for those interested in this area to come together and join this social innovation by scrutinising the proposed IPE framework.


Susanne Lindqvist

Susanne Lindqvist is Professor in Interprofessional Practice at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom (UK) and Visiting Professor at Molde University College in Norway. She has been involved in the field of interprofessional learning and working since 2002 and is the Director of the Centre for Interprofessional Practice (CIPP) at UEA. Her interest is around the introduction and continuation of authentic, meaningful and sustainable interprofessional education from the outset and how learning can effectively translate into better working relationships within and across teams for the benefit of learners, staff and patients. Susanne is actively supporting the work of the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) and IP Global and currently in the process of embedding IPE in the curricula at the UEA using empirical evidence from a study completed in close collaboration with colleagues in Molde.

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Atle Ødegård

Atle Ødegård is a clinical psychologist and a professor of Interprofessional Collaboration at Molde University College. His research interests centre around interprofessional collaboration in both practice and education, as well as the development of new research methods within these areas. Recently, he has focused on the use of service design to improve interprofessional collaboration within the public sector. Atle has also been involved in research related to the challenges faced by young people in social housing, as well as research in the field of criminal justice.

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