Humour is a conduit to interprofessional learning (IPL)
Co-sponsored by CAIPE
Date and Time: 23 September 2022; 12:00 GMT/UTC
Presenter: Dr Vikki Park, Assistant Professor of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, Northumbria University (UK)
Whilst researching IPL culture in the acute environment of adult critical care, humour emerged as a key influential factor that affected learning between different professions. It served many functions and when used effectively humour could increase rapport between workers, creating trust and psychological safety which made it easier to ask questions. These moments enhanced opportunities for IPL and the increased dialogues often resulted in the co-creation of knowledge between members of the healthcare team.
In this IP.Global Café event, Dr Vikki Park provides insight to the findings of her focused ethnographic research with respect to the role of humour and IPL.