Recent developments in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Australia
Dr. Fiona Kent
Date and Time: 19 September 2023
Co-sponsored by the Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education network
There has been recent progress in advancing a national approach to facilitating interprofessional collaborative practice in Australia. Firstly, a national accreditation committee has drafted and sent to consultation a ‘Statement of Intent’ to encourage stakeholders across the health and education sectors to commit to Interprofessional Collaborative Practice as part of normal care, to improve health outcomes for patients. Secondly, a national accreditation study has been undertaken to clarify the current expectations of collaborative practice from the perspective of a broad range of contributors including consumers, education providers and health services, and to use these views to shape accreditation practices that contribute to the development of collaborative health professionals. Fiona will present an update on both of these current projects.
Presenter: Dr. Fiona Kent
Fiona is the Interim Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) and Director Collaborative Care and Work Integrated Learning in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University. She is also an APA neurological physiotherapist and has worked as a clinician and clinical educator. She completed her Masters in Health Professional Education investigating patient perspectives of student-led care and her PhD in interprofessional student education. Her work and research focuses on the development and evaluation of interprofessional curriculum. She held the Chair of AIPPEN 2019-2022.