
IPE network for Arabic speaking countries

Emerging network.

Plans for next 2 years

  • To establish an IPE network in Arabic speaking countries.
Contact Person

Interprofessional.Global Representative

Alla El-Awaisi
MPharm, MSc, PhD
Qatar University
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy
QU Health Chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee

Dr El-Awaisi received her Master of Pharmacy degree from Strathclyde University in Glasgow (UK), MSc in Prescribing Science from the Robert Gordon University (UK) and PhD in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice from the Robert Gordon University (UK). She is an experienced academic administrator possessing creativity, innovation and dedication to her field. Prior to her academic career, she practiced pharmacy in Scotland for more than 9 years. She is founding the chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee since 2014 and has led successful IPE initiatives locally and internationally including leading the First Middle Eastern Conference in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in December 2015. Her research expertise lies in the area of interprofessional education and collaborative practice, pharmacy education and pharmacy practice and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals

She has the following responsibilities in Interprofessional.Global:

  • Communications Working Group
  • Faculty and Workforce Development Working Group
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