Nordic interprofessional network of Europe
The Nordic Interprofessional Network (NIPNET) is a network committed to
- interprofessional collaboration as a working model in healthcare and health and social services, with the intention to improve quality of care, welfare services and health outcomes
- interprofessional education as learning models to develop interprofessional collaborative competences among health and social care services.
Network participants are primarily educators, practitioners, leaders, managers, and researchers in the areas of healthcare and social services. Students are invited to NIPNET conferences.
- Create partnerships between individuals and organisations in and across borders of the Nordic countries with the intention to develop curricula and practices concerning IPE and IPC.
- Keep NIPNET an open and living network driven by volunteers supported by their organisations based on trust and partnership.
Plans for next 2 years
- Organize biennial conferences.
- Organize webinars in between the conferences.
- Run the homepage www.nipnet.org
- Engage in The Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice – Interprofessional. Global interprofessional.global
Contact Persons
- Maria Kvarnström
- maria.kvarnstrom@liu.se
- Rene Ballnus
- rene.ballnus@ssl.se
- NIPNET Board Information on Website