CAIPE’s mission is to work nationally and internationally to generate, synthesise and translate evidence for best practice in interprofessional education and collaborative practice. It does this in order to influence health and social care policy for the improvement of health outcomes for all.
CAIPE collaborates with UK higher education institutions, health and social care organisations and international networks to build the evidence base for the design and delivery of interprofessional education and collaborative practice. CAIPE produces guidelines and principles for policymakers and practitioners and advises public bodies within the National Health Service.
Over the next 5 years, CAIPE will pursue its evidence-based support and guidance to our members, higher education institutions, healthcare commissioners and regulators, professional bodies, and national education bodies to promote and sustain the growth of interprofessional education and collaborative
practice and influence health and social care policy for the improvement
Our Priorities
to generate, synthesise and translate the evidence-base for best practice in interprofessional education and collaborative practice.
Standard setting
to develop quality standards for the design, development, management and delivery of interprofessional education.
Faculty Development
to support higher education institutions and other educational organisations through departmental, curriculum and assessment guidance.
Translation of evidence into practice
to work to influence UK health and social care policy for the improvement of health outcomes for all, guided by international best practice.
Administrative Assistant
- Emma Beal
CAIPE President
- Hugh Barr
CAIPE Co-Chairs
- Liz Anderson
- Angela Lennox
CAIPE Treasurer
- Pat Bluteau
CAIPE Board Members
- Sharon Buckley
- Melissa Owens
- Vikki Park
- Suzy Plows
- Emma Pope
- Alison Power
- Emma Smith
- Andreas Xyrichis
CAIPE Co-Opted Board Members
- Sharron Blumenthal
- Mark Dexter
- Federico Farini
- Aoife Fleming
- Richard Kyle
- Veronica O’Carroll
- Sivaram Shanmugam
Interprofessional.Global Representatives

CAIPE CO-CHAIR – July 2021 –ongoing
Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Anderson PhD
Employment: Professor of Interprofessional Education and Lead for Patient Safety; Leicester Medical School, George Davies Centre for Medicine, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
Email: esa1@le.ac.uk
Qualifications: SRN, SCM, HV, BSc. (Hons), PhD, PGC in HE.
Awards: University Teaching Fellow 2005; National Teaching Fellow, 2007; Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy 2012; CAIPE Fellow 2016
Summary Statement:
Following a clinical career as a nurse, midwife and Health Visitor, Elizabeth has become a highly experienced teacher and scholar, particularly in the field of interprofessional education (IPE). She has built a national and international reputation of publications over the past twenty years. She led the incorporation of IPE into the Leicester medical curriculum bringing together three Higher Education Institutions. She Chairs the University Patient and Carer Group and continues to propel patient involvement which is closely aligned with IPE. She also leads research in patient safety and mindfulness. She began working with CAIPE in 2000 as a co-opted board member and has continued to support the CAIPE community as an elected board member and more recently as a CAIPE Fellow. She will now lead CAIPE following the principles of collaborative leadership with Dr Angela Lennox.

CAIPE CO-CHAIR – July 2021 –ongoing
Dr Angela Lennox CBE DL
Employment: General Practitioner; Deputy Medical Director NHS England and Improvement (London) and Honorary Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Leicester; Leicester Medical School, George Davies Centre for Medicine, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
Email: AL421@le.ac.uk
Qualifications: MBBS, MRCGP, FRCP.
Awards: MBE, CBE, DL.
Summary Statement:
Dr Lennox has worked in the NHS for the past 40 years as a General Medical Practitioner and entrepreneur who pioneered the development of multiagency health and social care centres. She has worked extensively in senior medical leadership positions and was an advisor to a former Secretary of State for Health, as well as an Associate Director of Primary Care for the Department of Health. She currently fulfils a number of roles in the NHS and third sector leading on clinical governance, quality assurance and performance. Additionally, she was a Senior Lecturer in the University of Leicester where in 1996 she pioneered a model of inter-professional education for all healthcare staff. Dr Lennox is currently a Medical Director in NHS England and Improvement, as well as a Trustee for the national homeless charity – Homeless Link.
In 1999 Angela was awarded the MBE for Services to Medicine and the Community; in 2001 she was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire and in 2008 she was awarded the CBE for Services to Healthcare.