

Join and get involved

There are the following ways to get involved with Interprofessional.Global:

  1. Affiliation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) related Organisations and Networks
    1. Regional IPECP Networks
    2. Emerging IPECP Networks
  2. Individuals or organisational partners
    1. Working group collaborators
    2. Other individuals (e.g. Service-users, Students, Practitioners, Academics, Researchers)
    3. Organisations (e.g. Universities, NGOs, Hospitals, Governments, Companies)
  3. Subscriber to our News Updates
  • The number of partners is unlimited
  • To apply to join as an organisational or individual partner, or receive information as subscriber, the required information should be submitted through this page.
  • Partners are required to endorse the founding values and principles of Interprofessional.Global.
  • Should partnership fees be introduced, those failing to honour their commitment within a fixed period will be considered to have resigned from the Interprofessional.Global.  Partnership fees will be displayed on Interprofessional.Global’s website.
  • Any partner may withdraw by emailing the Secretariat. The resignation is effective from the date the email is sent.

Interprofessional.Global partners endorse that:

  • Interprofessional Education (IPE) includes, and is inseparable from, Collaborative Practice (CP).
  • IPECP should be promoted as an evidence-based strategy to bolster the health workforce in meeting the health needs of countries at a time when the world is facing a shortage of health workers,
  • IPECP serves as catalyst for a bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach to improved person-centred service delivery, contributing to the strengthening of systems for health and improving the health outcomes of service users.
  • Competency-based curriculum development is pivotal in providing effective IPE, including preceptor training, institutional support and managerial commitment to ensure adequate funding and logistics.
  • All professions are equal and we respect and value differences between professions
  • Students and service users are equal members of the interprofessional team
  • The promotion and dissemination of research into interprofessional education and practice is pivotal
  • Consensus-based partnership development forms the basis of our ethos to strengthen trust relationships and a shared vision
  • Members and collaborators will strive to:
    • demonstrate and embed interprofessional competencies in work roles with service users, service providers and with colleagues;
    • develop quality improvement and workplace processes or activities which support interprofessional collaborative practice and effective teamwork and communication;
    • display leadership to promote and support interprofessional collaborative practice;
    • actively seek out interprofessional learning opportunities and apply learning to practice;
    • co-ordinate, support and evaluate IPE policy implementation in their sphere of practice;
    • facilitate and support interprofessional learning and/or quality improvement activities;
    • display leadership to promote and support interprofessional collaborative practice in partnership with other health and educational organisations.

Regional IPECP networks

Regional networks usually consist of various countries that formed an IPECP network, or it may be a single country due to the historical development of the global IPECP movement, or it may be a single country with a huge population and great cultural diversity. A regional network may be open to have the following members represented:

  • IPECP organisations from different countries
  • Individuals
  • Service user organisations and advocacy groups
  • Student organisations
  • Health workforce education institutions
  • Health workforce societies/associations
  • Health workforce education accreditation bodies
  • Institutions and individuals involved in health and/or social care service provision
  • Professional Boards / Regulators for health and social service provision
  • Ministries of Health and Social Services
  • Ministries of Higher Education.

Emerging IPECP networks

Emerging IPECP networks consists of a partnership development team working towards the formation of a regional network or consensus-based partnership.

Individual working group collaborators

Collaborators are individual partners actively participating in Interprofessional.Global’s activities, whether their institutions are partners or not. They are active in the various working groups. To view the activities of a Working Group, visit the Working Groups section of the website.


Partner organisations may be universities, NGOs, hospitals, governments, companies, etc. 


Subscribers are individuals and institutions, who are not actively involved as collaborating partners, but have subscribed to receive news updates from Interprofessional.Global.

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