

Regional Network for Interprofessional Education in the Americas
REIP constitutes a strategy of articulation and technical cooperation between educational institutions, professional organizations and Ministries of Health and Ministries of Education, with the objective of promoting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in health care in the Region of the Americas.


  • Propose actions for the development of Interprofessional Education (IPE) to achieve Universal Health.
  • Share experiences, information, scientific knowledge and evidence, methodologies and technological resources for teaching activities, and research and information on IPE.
  • Accompany, contribute to, and disseminate the actions taken by countries.
    Identify common problems, interests and priorities related to the initial and continuing interprofessional education of health professionals, while generating shared options for transformation.
  • Strengthen the development of intersectoral and multicenter research among the members of REIP.
  • Lend visibility to the situation and trends that define interprofessional education in health care, facilitating the identification of priorities for the development of IPE.
  • Help to promote coordination between IPE and professional practice in order to improve people’s access to health.

Plans for next 2 years


Work Plan

Contact Person


Cláudia Brandão Gonçalves
José Rodrigues Freire Filho

Piedad Serpa

Mercedes Perez

Ricardo Ayala

Interprofessional.Global Representative

Dr. José Rodrigues Freire Filho (Pharmacist)
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) / World Health Organization (WHO)
International Professional Consultant

José Rodrigues Freire Filho is a Professional Consultant at the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) and a PhD in interprofessional education from the University of São Paulo – Brazil.


REIP Winterhur Report

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