

American Interprofessional Health Collaborative

The AIHC is the professional community of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (National Center). AIHC inspires colleagues and creates opportunities to come together, learn and grow.

AIHC members work locally, nationally, and internationally to influence policy, develop and share best practices and resources, conduct research, mentor and support colleagues, and remove barriers to effective action.

AIHC representatives at the 3rd Interprofessional.Global Partnership Symposium in Doha, Qatar: Andrea Pfeifle, Barbara Maxwell and Anthony Breitbach.


To serve as a community for individuals who advance interprofessional education and collaborative practice to improve health outcomes and health equity in partnership with the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.


Health that is transformed through collaborations bridging practice and education.


  1. The Collaboration Hub will facilitate the articulation of AIHC strategic priorities.
  2. The Collaboration Hub will begin leading the strategic and operational priorities of AIHC, including the development of Standard Operating Procedures.

Plans for the next 2 years

Conduct a post-implementation survey 12 months after initial implementation of the new organizational structure to assess the success of transition.

Goals and Commitment to Interprofessional.Global

  • AIHC and the National Center are committed to supporting Interprofessional.Global, its member networks and the activities of the working groups to engage with stakeholders to promote IPECP globally and across the USA.
  • We also support knowledge exchange with Collaborating Across Borders, the Nexus Summit, and Nexus Resource Center.
    We can leverage our membership and the resources of the National Center to support, disseminate and promote global interprofessional initiatives.
    We look to actively engage with international colleagues to promote and enhance interprofessional collaboration to improve global health.
    We also look to encourage and support emerging networks.


In July 2023, AIHC transitioned to a new, team-based organizational structure which disrupts traditional hierarchy, focusing more on collaboration. The new organizational structure is shown below in Figure 1. AIHC has re-imagined its organizational structure to model collaboration within the nexus of practice and education to improve outcomes that matter. To ensure form follows function, the structure of AIHC is built around five collaboratives, each serving a unique purpose, in addition, two committees support membership and communications.

As an established regional network, representing the USA, within Interprofessional.Global, AIHC has ensured a central place for IP.G within the Innovating Collaborative of the new organizational structure.

Fig. 1 New AIHC Organisational Model
Figure 2. Responsibilities of the Collaboratives, Committees, and the Collaboration Hub.
The collaboration hub is responsible for facilitating the overall vision, work, and strategic priorities of AIHC. Rather than having an executive or leadership team, the collaboration hub connects the day-to-day work of AIHC and promotes collaboration across the collaboratives and committees. The national center staff play an active role in the collaboration hub as well as the collaboratives and committees allowing for bidirectional communication in all areas of the new structure. Community and student representatives also provide important perspectives that support AIHC to better embody the nexus between practice, education, and improved health and learning outcomes. Two Co-Convenors, elected by the members, lead the Collaboration Hub.

AIHC Co-Conveners

Tina Gunaldo, PhD, DPT, MHS
Director, Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Office. Louisiana State University Health Sciences

Devin Nickol, MD
Associate Dean for Interprofessional Education. University of Nebraska Medical Center

Representative to Interprofessional.Global:

Associate Dean & Executive Director Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, IU School of Medicine Adjunct Professor Physical Therapy, IU School of Health & Human Sciences
Dr. Maxwell has been involved in interprofessional education and collaborative practice since the late 1980’s when she was involved with interprofessional teams in cardiac rehabilitation, and with rapid response community teams for individuals recovering from a stroke. She has worked in this field in the US, Europe, and Asia, and is active in the Interprofessional world both nationally and internationally. She serves as the AIHC network representative to Interprofessional.Global.A Distinguished Scholar and Fellow of the National Academies of Practice, she has served on the Council of the National Academies of Practice and was the inaugural chair of the Physical Therapy Academy. In 2021 she was awarded the National Academies of Practice: Nicholas A Cummings Award for Extraordinary Contributions to Interprofessional Healthcare.

She is a member of InterprofessionalResearch.Global, an international collaborative organization focused on bringing together experts in the field to advance interprofessional practice, research, and theory generation, at the global level.

She has the following responsibilities in Interprofessional.Global:
  • Regional network representative for AIHC
  • Co-facilitator of the Global Impact Working Group.
  • Partnership Development Working Group
  • Global café

AIHC Winterhur Report

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