Legal and funding working group


The Legal & Funding Working Group was established in September 2018 and took responsibility for establishing the confederation as a legal entity. This forms part of a plan to make the confederation sustainable. The working group is also responsible for the budget of Interprofessional.Global and to find grants, sponsorship and donations.
We are grateful for a €20,000 donation from Zurich University of Applied Sciences’ School of Health Professions.
We are currently in the process to registered as a non-governmental organisation in The Netherlands. The Dutch Association’s main function will be to raise funds for the activities of Interprofessional.Global, to ensure financial accountability and to serve as legal entity compliant with Dutch law.
In terms of the functioning of Interprofessional.Global as consensus-based partnership, the Board of the Association will form part of the “Legal & Funding Working Group” of the partnership. The Board Members was elected by the Association’s Members, namely the representatives of the established regional networks affiliated to Interprofessional.Global. In this way, Interprofessional.Global will be able to function with a flat consensus-based structure and at the same time be a registered Dutch Association.
During the Founders’ Meeting on 14 April 2021, the following Board members were elected by the founding members:
- Chairperson: Johanna Dahlberg
- Secretary: Loes van Amsterdam
- Treasurer: Freek Bronda
- Additional board Member: Jan Jaap Reinders
- Additional board Member: Champion Nyoni
The objectives of the Legal & Funding Working Group, for the period November 2019 to October 2021, are:
- To register Interprofessional.Global as a Dutch Association
- To obtain a Dutch bank account
- To set up the virtual office for the Dutch Association
A registered Dutch association with a bank account.
Stefanus Snyman
Johanna Dahlberg