Global Impact Working Group
Optimizing the health of individuals and populations is a global priority and interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) is a key method to attain, but progress is hampered by inconsistency of message and minimal coordination of international initiatives. This group was formed to improve consistency of messages across all different advocacy groups in the IPECP field. These issues are the results of a disconnection between the language of IP.G and the language of the policymaker; the lack of a current declaration from the partnership; the relative paucity of clear orientation / guiding materials for regional networks to organize their political pitch to policymakers; and a great diversity and variability in policy production process and political / influence structure in different regions.
The purpose of the Global Impact working group (GI-WG) is to coordinate and enable IP.G and its members to engage effectively with the major international policymakers and stakeholders who influence IPECP.
- Jette Holtzmann, Scandinavia: Nipnet, (SG on Winterthur declaration) [FACILITATOR]
- Barbara Maxwell, USA: AIHC,
- Alla El-Awaisi, Arab-speaking countries,
Global Impact Winterhur Report