

Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education network

The Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (AIPPEN) was established in 2006 in response to a call from staff and students for an Australasian interprofessional practice and education hub. As health professionals are required to collaborate and work efficiently in teams for safe and effective patient care, the need for an effective interprofessional approach has become apparent. In 2019 the AIPPEN network was reframed as a community of practice.

AIPPEN provides a community of practice for individuals, groups, institutions and organisations across Australia and New Zealand who are committed to researching, delivering, promoting, supporting and researching interprofessional learning, through interprofessional education and practice. AIPPEN is led by a steering committee comprised of representative from both countries. The committee works closely with the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) who host our website and support many of our professional development activities.


  • Establish a community of practice for interprofessional education and practice, research and evaluation, where best practice is shared
  • Share interprofessional resources and contribute to the national repository through a partnership with ANZAHPE
  • Take charge of interprofessional activities in ANZAHPE to link colleagues working this space
  • Link with international colleagues working in interprofessional education and practice, research and evaluation
  • Multi-site interprofessional research


AIPPEN Chair: Margo Brewer

ANZAHPE representative: Nalini Pather

IP.Global representative: Marion Jones

Membership includes clinical and academic interprofessional leaders from ten health professions working in Australian or New Zealand.

Interprofessional.Global Representative

Professor Marion Jones (RN; Dean) PhD, RGON, M.Ed. (Admin) (Hons), BA, M.Ed. (Admin) (Hons) Dean: Graduate Research School – Auckland University of TechnologyProfessor Marion Jones is Dean of the University Graduate Research School at Auckland University of Technology, a director of the National Centre for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in New Zealand and Professor of Interprofessional Education at the University of Derby in the United Kingdom. A significant focus of her academic career has been the development of postgraduate study. Her area of research expertise and publication is interprofessional practice and education, postgraduate supervision and perioperative nursing. Her latest publications include co-editing three books on interprofessional leadership. Some of her national and international activities include being the Representative for the Australasian Interprofessional Practice & Education Network (AIPPEN), on the Interprofessional Global committee, Member and Fellow of the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ), Member of the Professional Education Committee for the Perioperative College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation and Auditor for The Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities (AQA).She has the following responsibilities in Interprofessional.Global:
  • Member of 3 working groups for Interprofessional Global, namely Academic and Workforce Development, Communications and Data Repository

AIPPEN Winterhur Report

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