
Global Cafe: The contribution of IPE in promoting academic success and safe practice in undergraduate nursing training – 22 October 2024 🗓

The contribution of interprofessional education in promoting academic success and safe practice in undergraduate nursing training

Presenter: Nombulelo Zenani, North-West University (South Africa) 

22 October 2024

11:00 UTC/13:00 South African Standard Time (SAST)


Co-sponsored by the African Interprofessional Education Network (AfriPEN)
Moderator: Dr. Gerard Filies

Effective interprofessional collaboration practices are cruel for patient safety and quality healthcare service delivery. The nursing students plays an integral role in the IPCP, however they are not conditioned to the core principles of IPCP comprehensively nor does the curriculum include IPCP in the training of nursing students. The authors explored and synthesised literature to explore how the contribution of IPE can develop competent undergraduate nursing students.


The nursing students are required to be prepared for the evolving health care systems, dynamic clinical challenges and complex teams in practice. This expectation needs curriculum developers and educators to explore teaching pedagogies and approaches that will achieve such a goal. Interprofessional education promotes interprofessional collaboration practices that yields positive patient outcomes and strengthen interprofessional communication, teamwork and limit team dynamics that can predispose professional tension.
Design: An integrative literature review was adopted for the review
Results: Three themes emerged from the review namely; promotion of patient safety, socialise nursing students to interprofessional collaboration and promote devil of professional identity.
Conclusion: The study is a first step in determining the contribution of early interprofessional education integration in nursing education. Therefore, it sets a stage for further studies that can look into programs or strategies that can be adopted into the nursing education curriculum to develop sound interprofessional competencies and how IPE can be included into such programs.

Author(s): Nombulelo Zenani, Leepile Sehularo, Gopolang Gause and Precious Chikwere

Nombulelo Zenani

Ms. Nombulelo Zenani is an emerging scholar and senior lecturer at North West University. A published author, community developer, and research supervisor for master’s in nursing students. Nombulelo has a background of being a professional nurse, nurse manager, a learning and development consultant/ manager in a renowned South African Private hospital. She holds a Masters degree in Nursing Education, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science management. Currently a Ph.D. candidate with a research interest in interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration for quality and safe clinical services. Her PhD looks into developing guidelines for a continuous professional development program aimed to enhance interprofessional competencies in the intensive care unit team in North West Province, South Africa.

Nombulelo believes dismantling professional silos through strengthening interprofessional competencies in undergraduate healthcare education and post-licensure reinforces quality assurance in healthcare and it should be a continuous discourse and mission to achieve.

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